Welcome to Scholastic Sailing at MBYC
The first signs of organized high school sailing were seen in the 1940’s at Northeastern prep schools. By the 1960’s schools out West started to form teams and compete.
High school sailing has been one of the fastest growing scholastic sports in recent years.
Fewer than 8% of high school athletes go on to compete at the college level. MOST Varsity high school sailors go on to compete in college.
Girls and boys compete together on an equal “playing field”.
There are over 500 schools (3000+ kids) participating in competitive high school sailing across the US.
There are 7 Districts nationwide in the Interscholastic Sailing Association (ISSA).
MBYC hosted teams are part of the Pacific Coast Interscholastic Sailing Association (PCISA).
There are over 60 schools registered in the PCISA district.
After 5 PCISA ranking regattas, the top 20 teams qualify for the Pacific Coast Championships. The top 3 teams at PCC’s qualify for Nationals.
Scholastic Sailing is the most accessible and equitable version of the sport and Mission Bay Yacht Club has the best venue to support it! MBYC has access to 25 CFJs: 20 MBYC and 5 UCSD. We support teams at all levels, from those with the Nationals as a goal, to those just starting to put a team together, and everything in between. In an effort to accommodate all our teams, we have created two programs to support the different needs of our teams. See below for more details.
The following is a summary of policies and guidelines to be followed:
The High School Sailing program is a privilege to the participants and their coaches. Participants and coaches shall at all times show the utmost respect of the boats, equipment, MBYC members and MBYC facilities.
The number of boats shall be assigned by the Junior Director/Scholastic Fleet Manager to reflect an equal and fair distribution and usage by the number of teams whose applications have been accepted.
Registered Scholastic Sailors have access to MBYC ONLY during their specific practice days/times. Contact the Jr Office for any special arrangements.
MBYC access and use is limited to each team's individual participation and does not extend to participant family or friends.
The charter fee paid by each high school sailor covers use of the boat, sails and normal wear. Damage beyond normal wear such as that resulting from collision with other boats or during docking will be billed to the sailor(s) involved.​
Varsity Sailing Team Program
Tuesdays & Thursdays
Friday Scrimmages ~ Periodically
Mission Bay High School | Cathedral Catholic High School | Francis Parker
These teams are larger, well established with coaches of their own and participate in Gold PCISA events with qualification for the PCCs and Nationals as goals. Every student must sign-up for Sailor Registration/Boat Use.
$550 Full Year Boat Use Fee for All Sailors, or $200 per trimester.
High School Sailing Team Development Program
Mondays & Wednesdays
La Jolla High School | La Jolla Country Day | Santa Fe Christian
The Grauer School | Clairemont High School | Bishops (independent)
This will be perfect for newer and/or smaller teams or individuals trying to start a team. This will be where teams can develop and grow, learn how High School Sailing works and eventually establish their own program. These teams will target participation in SoCals (JV regattas) and for more experienced sailors, Silver Fleet at PCISA events. Practices will start the first week of September with 3 seasons: Fall, Winter and Spring. Sign up for one season, some or all. MBYC will provide the coaching. Each school must have a Parent Representative. Team Gear like sweatshirts, polos etc are the responsibility of each individual team. MBYC can connect you to the company to set up a team shop. We encourage you to show your Sailing Team pride at school!
Development Sailors MUST register for BOTH Boat Use Fees & Coaching Fees
Coaching Fees:
$400/sailor per season/3 months (~20 days of practice)
$1000/sailor All-In (all 3 seasons)
Sailor Registration | Boat Use:
$550 Full Year Boat Use Fee for All Sailors, or $200 per trimester.
Regattas Fees will be handled separately between coach and teams as participation and costs vary.
Coach Josh Pelletier
Coach Josh is a recent graduate of UC Santa Barbara where he sailed on the Varsity Sailing Team all four years. Josh sailed for the Bishops School in High School. An excellent sailor and coach, Josh is excited to lead this new program!